Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ahh!!! Christmas!!!!!

As the parent of a 5 year old and a 3 1/2 year old, Christmas will be a blast this year, right? So why is it already driving me crazy and it is only the middle of November. My 5 year old wants a pizza maker. But not for "real" pizza, for pretend pizza. Doesn't that sound awesome? (Are you picking up on the sarcasm?) She can't wait to tell Santa. And I can't wait to have endless pizza making sessions and pretend to eat that yummy plastic pizza with only half of the pieces because surely we will lose some or the dog will eat them,(now she truly likes to eat plastic anything). But it is the only thing she wants when you ask her so Santa can't disappoint. (As her parent I am sure there will be plenty of time for me to do that in her life). As for the 3 year old, well, he doesn't understand that what Max has on the Max and Ruby cartoon, isn't real. So naturally, he wants a red robot that says "I am a robot". But the problem there is, that no such robot exists because it's a freaking' cartoon!!!! He can't wait to tell Santa and Santa can't wait to crush his dream. So in the true spirit of the holiday, my mother-in-law goes on a quest to find a red robot. Finds one, believe it or not, and the damn thing cost $75 bucks!!!! That's right $75 bucks. Naturally it does more than say "I am a robot", in fact I don't know if it says that at all, which may be the deal breaker for him. But even so, my ever so wonderful (read: spoiled by Grandma,)son, will be getting his red robot from Santa, and my daughter will be getting her pizza maker. Isn't that what Christmas is all about really? (more sarcasm) On that note, enjoy this clip from a favorite Christmas movie of mine. (I have several favorite Christmas movies sadly). And by the look of this post, a little too much caffine today.

1 comment:

the_ubster said...

Ahhh, the Holy Grail of Christmas gifts!