Thursday, January 29, 2009

Out of the mouths of Babes...

Come things parents shouldn't have said. As the proud parent of a 5 year old and a 3 1/2 year old, I realize no truer saying exists. This knowledge only comes to me by way of experience of course.

For an example, do yourself a favor and change the name of the stores you frequent if you don't want the world to know your shopping habits. My 5 year old loves to let everyone she encounters know that mommy's favorite store is Champagnes wine shoppe. This revelation is over-emphasized to her Grandparents on both sides of course. "Mommy", she says, "We need to go to Champagnes, we are out of wine." Both children are so comfortable there that they now love to go use the bathroom of said store when we are shopping. Of course no trip would be complete without sharing that tidbit of information to the cashier. I am sure she was thrilled to know my 3 1/2 year old went 2 big poo-poos. He was more than happy to tell her that, and she was truly excited (pick up on the sarcasm please) to hear all about it. He is also very willing to let you know that Optimus Prime is on his butt (He's a transformer for those of you that don't know what I am talking about.) He will drop trow to show you the underwear too. You don't even have to ask. Of course this prompts 5 year old to let you know that she has on Princess underwear.

I dread the day the 5 year old walks in on Mommy and Daddy playing "hide the bratwurst" (German heritage shining through in that saying huh?). She will probably take out an ad in the New York Times to ensure she doesn't miss telling anyone.

The 3 year old is actually the worst offender of inappropriate behavior. Just the other day he was looking at his trains and said f...(rhymes with truck), d...(rhymes with ram) look at this mess! Flash to the scene in A Christmas Story when Ralphie says the queen mother of all dirty words...That was my reaction. Or another example, We were out to dinner with Grandma, Daddy, Mommy and both kids. 3 1/2 year old need to go potty. Daddy takes him and when they came back to the table, 3 year old announces that Daddy has a big penis. (Daddy never looked prouder).

For anyone who never saw A Christmas Story, first off, "What the hell is wrong with you, go rent that movie." Secondly, enjoy the clip.


Anonymous said...

Wanna see my superman underoos? Stop teaching those kids bad words!

Lt. Dan BeauPeep said...

I've heard that the 3 1/2 year old is very much like his Daddy. I've heard his Gramma say this!