Monday, September 14, 2009

Too Much Government

When Obama was talking about change, and most of the population fell for it, I had no Ideal that it was going to lead to Czars and government takeover of companies.

With a major deficit in the Trillions why bring in more government employees, and especially when these employees have incredibly high salaries? More government is counter-productive and not what our fore-fathers intended.

With that in mind, listen to this speech from President R. Reagan as he tells us who works for who. See below.

In my opinion I don't want the government running the companies that I deal with to purchase anything, they (government) can't even run themselves at a profit so why mess with the business world. I don't feel all of the American car companies were ran as defective as GM, Ford seems to be dealing with its situation fairly well or at least the media hasn't been reporting much about them. Another thing is why would the government takeover some financial institutions, just because it had the money to loan them? Why I ask that as a question is because how can you loan money when you owe soooo much. Also why should I then have any faith that our health care would be run properly?

I for one am very nervous for what the future holds for Americans.

vid from

1 comment:

General Patton said...

Who will be the next Ronald Reagan?!! He was such an amazing president. We need another one like him!!!