Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Cooling of Drinks Experiment

Its summer and we all want our drinks cooled down as quickly as possible so below is the break down of how to do it and the break down of the experiment to try for yourself or to prove it to the sceptical reader. Works well for beer, wine or... well, I don't know what else.....we didn't try it on any other beverages.

Experiment 1: Ice vs. Ice + water vs. Ice + water + salt vs. fridge vs. freezer
Initial measurements:
* Ice
* Ice + water: 33 degrees
* Ice + water + salt (salt melts ice and lowers the freezing point): 24 degrees
Results (after 5 minutes):
* Ice: 57 degrees
* Ice water: 44 degrees
* Salt water: 35.9 degrees
* Freezer: 55 degrees
* Fridge: 60 degrees
Final results [time needed to cool to an unspecified cold temperature for optimum drinking coolness(slightly longer for icy cold)]:
* Ice + water + salt: 5 minutes
* Ice + water: 15 minutes
* Freezer: 25 minutes
* Ice: 30 minutes
* Fridge: 40+ minutes


Anonymous said...

This looks like it was taken from Mythbusters..

Pvt.Gump said...

Not taken from Mythbusters, but this recipe is out there on the net so it could have oringinally came from anywhere. I did get the formula from another blog.