Friday, August 24, 2007

Afghanistan has a Limp Wrist?

OK, you really have to watch this video! Its about 7 mins. so make time.

This video claims that the Taliban could be gay, not that there is anything wrong with that, and that Afghanistan in general is effeminate. There is a classic quote in the middle of the video regarding how birds fly over Afghanistan that you have to see.

Personally I don't care what any ones sexual orientation is, but the standards that these strict Muslims are suppose to stand by and enforce, makes it irresistible to share with you kind people.

I'm gonna go ahead and give this Documentary short film two thumbs up!


the_ubster said...

I expected them to be tough, not a bunch of sissy's taking pictures holding hands around flowers. Great quote.

General Patton said...

I get an uncontrolable urge to start singing..."the hills are alive with the Sound of Music". Of course they are nothing but pansy's. Their war tactics (IED's, Homicide bombs, etc), prove it time and time again. They can't fight like real men because they aren't real men, they are cowards.