Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Guilty Plea!

Well its time to talk about the Vick issue. I've done a hell-of-a job keeping my mouth shut, and waiting until some real proof or even waiting until after the courts passed judgement on Mike Vick. The time has come to call a duck a duck or in this case a dog murdering fuck!

If you are on the side of being lied to and think that bored millionaire's are some sort of above the law God, please stop reading and check yourself into rehab or the local mental hospital!

The thing that really pisses me off is that with the damn plea bargain we will never get all of the dirt that this low-life and his cronies did to these innocent animals. To take your own hands or rope, and try to hang a dog to death is cold as hell, but when the hanging doesn't work you then try to drowned the dog, also heard electrocution was used. This heinous barbaric act was done by and or paid for by an NFL Quarterback! Why? What reason would you have to do this or even better be a part of? My opinion is that he has a sick twisted side to be any part of this operation.

We are all capable of seeing a pattern in our friends, family, and so on so why not these selfish S*O*B sport figures or celebrities. Maybe we should just look at it this way... Marketing of a product, in the major sports leagues the athletes are a product or commodity and will sell you them through paper media, radio and the TV of course. With contracts in the 10's of 100's of millions of dollars it is an investment worth protecting at any cost, that would mean right up to the very end. Your probably saying to your self "Bull shit", but if marketing didn't work why does every company with a product or service have a Marketing Department.

It seems like I'm getting off course so lets get back to it, the Commissioner of the NFL is obviously into cleaning the league up of any "bad character types", and I've got to tell you that I think he is doing a fairly good job. It is a privilege to play in any major league sports, and look at some of these crimes, many of them felonies. Felonies that if you or I committed we would most definitely do jail time, with very little opportunity to plea bargain. So I say screw him he gets everything coming to him, and the worst the better.

Maybe the major sport leagues need to come up with a hobby program to keep these bored a-holes out of trouble. I hear a dancing reality show has kept some retired stars out of trouble.


General Patton said...
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General Patton said...

I agree with Gump!!! I wish he didn't get a plea deal so everyone would know just how disgusting Vick is!!!